
This work was developed in order to implement proposals for improvement in logistics processes of DECORIENTE SAS. The company has as its principal object the purchase, manufacture, importation, sale and export of everything related to decorative lighting, commercial and industrial indoor and outdoor decorative items, glassware, dinnerware, kitchen and toilet articles, appliances, indoor and outdoor furniture, linens, equipment and accessories for hospitality, food preparation, table service and repair service.

The project began with the stage of diagnosis, which was to determine the current processes of the company and to identify the critical points of each. After having identified the weaknesses of logistics operations, we proceeded to make proposals for improvement in order to help solve the problems encountered, which were evaluated and validated by managers for deployment.

With the contribution of staff, the next step was to implement the improvements that were approved, which basically consisted in making two wine racks, redistribution of the wineries, creating a system of logistics indicators, preparation of operating manuals, and storage procedures, the implementation of the strategy 5's and the improvement of logistics processes. Each of the implementations was to provide solutions to the difficulties encountered in the logistics system,  to increase customer satisfaction and efficiency in terms of operating costs, which led to meeting the various objectives set out in this graduate work.

Project grade: Placement mode.
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Faculty of physical and mechanical engineering. School of Industrial and Employers, Industrial Engineering Program.
Project Director
: Dr. Myriam Leonor López Niño.
Tutor: Julio Cesar Serrano Cediel.
